The journey of this new book begins with me as a boy on the slope of a clay cliff, below is a ribbon of wild beach, at the horizon a dome of sky joins an inland-sea into which a creek cuts the glacial clay leaving a murky streak. I’m mesmerized.
Decades later, I’m at the podium in a lecture hall at a US university speaking to students who their professor says have been examined on my first book and I’m swept back to that clay cliff, to what filled my senses so many years ago. At the metaphorical pinnacle of my first book I’m reminded there’s so much more to learn and share. I’m exhilarated.
While both books reflect a drive to weave contending frameworks of knowing, the scope of this new book is more vast than the relationship between two countries with the longest border in the world. This new book is a humble offering where logic and longing are girders for a bridge between science & spirituality.